Group: New Adult
Page Count: 384
Publication Date: August 5, 2015
Rating: 8/10
*Source: Netgalley*
Goodreads Blurb:
If You Never Get Lost, You’ll Never Be Found
Twenty-one-year-old Natalia Stolfi is saying good-bye to the past-and turning her life upside down with a trip to the land down under. For the next six months, she'll act like a carefree exchange student, not a girl sinking under the weight of painful memories. Everything is going according to plan until she meets a brooding surfer with hypnotic green eyes and the troubling ability to see straight through her act.
Bran Lockhart is having the worst year on record. After the girl of his dreams turned into a nightmare, he moved back home to Melbourne to piece his life together. Yet no amount of disappointment could blind him to the pretty California girl who gets past all his defenses. He's never wanted anyone the way he wants Talia. But when Bran gets a stark reminder of why he stopped believing in love, he and Talia must decide if what they have is once in a lifetime . . . or if they were meant to live a world apart.
There is no one word that can describe this book. It's sweet at times, bitter at another, it's a book that takes you on an emotional ride. The story starts with a girl named Talia going to Australia to run away from the past. It was there she met Bran, who isn't the perfect guy either. They both are struggling with trust and insecurities. They both are not perfect, but they are perfect for each other. This book often make you go like this:
Not because it's sad(well, not all the time), but because it's touching. The main theme in this book is imperfection. The author gives a fantastic message that being imperfect is ok. It's not a cheesy book, it's more of a book about finding yourself and the people your love. Also, it's about moving on and letting go. Another thing the author specifically talks about is grief. That there's a big difference between grief and blame that in our minds we need to know. Whether it's a broken heart or losing a person you love. It's hard not to blame yourself but that blame prevents you from moving on. Which is why some people blame themselves so much, because they're not ready to let go. This message is shown in Talia's struggles herself. I thought the message the author sent was beautiful and powerful.
Now no book would be complete without the most perfect imperfect characters. Ever since the first chapter, I started caring for Talia. Reading about her describing her life gives me an instinctive protectiveness to her and I started caring about her. Through the story, everything she goes through and the emotions she feels I feel too. Of course, that's also because of the author's vivid descriptions. She's an amazing character and just someone you would love to be friends with. Bran, for me, was a little more complicated. When Bran first appeared in the book, I sort of admired him for his behavior towards Talia but hated him for his attitude towards her. Like I said, complicated. But as the story progressed, I began to care for him when I see pieces of his imperfection. Even when he did "questionable" things, I never was able to hate him. Though I can't say I like him. He was a pretty interesting character.
The book has beautiful language and it just flows. It keeps you hooked with these sayings that are so touching and heartbreaking.
From the first sentence in the book:
If you never get lost, you'll never be found.
It's a beautiful book from start to end.
The reason I didn't give it a higher rating is because sometimes in the book Talia's thoughts became too repetitive and it loses its meaning. Same with Bran. Overall, the book was beautiful and very touching.
There is going to be other books in the series but I don't think I'm going to read it. Not because I don't think the rest of the books will be good but I'm pretty satisfied with the book ending right where it did. For me, it was already complete and the story has came to an end. It was the perfect ending and I'm ok with it. Although if the next book is about another story with different people, then I'd probably read it.
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